Help with VOD, VLC and VLM

Discussion about configuration and usage of VLM (a stream scheduler) within VLC.
New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 22 Sep 2006 19:13

Help with VOD, VLC and VLM

Postby Dirty_C » 22 Sep 2006 20:36

I currently am running VLC in conjunction with Vbricks enconders and Amino 110's and 500's. We are attempting to use VLC as a VOD solutuion. I understand I need to set up a VLM session to receive RTSP traffic from a VLC client. I am attemtping to set this up using the GUI based input to VLC. I am having problems getting the clients to receive the feed I have inputted in the VLM control panel. I am using as the VLM's RTSP setting. We are pointing the VLC to the same address and adding on the program title we mapped. Can anyone please give me as hand setting this up from scratch using the HTTP or GUI. I am not having any luck using the telnet commands and I have no Linux experience. Thanks
Dirty C
Program Manager for VIDEO RAPTOR

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