I'm under linux .......
and i'm wondering how can I add a file with special characters in the name as input for vod, broadcast or schedule mode.
eg :
my file is : /var/vod/AFile WithSpace.avi
I've tried :
new test vod input /var/vod/AFile WithSpace.avi mux mp2t enabled
new test vod input /var/vod/AFile\ WithSpace.avi mux mp2t enabled
new test vod input "/var/vod/AFile WithSpace.avi" mux mp2t enabled
new test vod input "/var/vod/AFile\ WithSpace.avi" mux mp2t enabled
none works ..... but it works if I rename the file ........
Is there any way to make it works without renaming the file ?
what is the format that vlc use for the file path ?
because it's possible in windows but it's quite weird ("C:\my rep\\SecondRep\\myvideo.avi")