DVB zapping time

Discussion about configuration and usage of VLM (a stream scheduler) within VLC.
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 74
Joined: 22 Oct 2004 19:28

DVB zapping time

Postby Gujs » 17 Jan 2006 11:46


I am trying to stream dvb channels from my linux box to amino STB. When i want to change channel it realy take a lot of time.

Does somebody know ho to change channel faster.

My VLC line:

vlc --intf telnet --telnet-port=40001 --vlm-conf=/root/.vlc/vlcdvb0 --rt-priority --color --ttl 12 --ts-es-id-pid --sout-standard-access=udp --sout-standard-mux=ts --no-dvb-probe


new ch1 broadcast enabled
setup ch1 input dvb:
setup ch1 output #duplicate{dst=std{url=},select="program=3201"}
setup ch1 option programs=3201
setup ch1 option dvb-frequency=12303000
setup ch1 option dvb-strate=27500000
setup ch1 option dvb-voltage=13
setup ch1 option dvb-satno=2

new ch2 broadcast enabled
setup ch2 input dvb:
setup ch2 output #duplicate{dst=std{url=},select="program=3202"}
setup ch2 option programs=3202
setup ch2 option dvb-frequency=12303000
setup ch2 option dvb-strate=27500000
setup ch2 option dvb-voltage=13
setup ch2 option dvb-satno=2

When i change from one to annother it takes more than 2 seconds, and when one of them has to use CI for decoding it can tak even 5 seconds.


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