Problem with VLM for Mosaic of IP Cams to Chromecast
Posted: 03 Jul 2019 11:13
I don't know where to post this topic (VLM or Stream), so I post it in the two forums...
I try to stream mosaic to Chromecast with no sucess
here is my vlm.conf :
and the command line to launch VLC :
And nothing appears on my chromecast/TV
- When I cast only one stream to my chromecast with this command line :
I can see the stream on my chromecast/TV
- When I change "chromecast" to "duplicate{dst=display}" in vlm.conf and my command line to :
I can see the mosaic on my computer screen
Where is my error ???
Can you help me ?
Many Thanks
I don't know where to post this topic (VLM or Stream), so I post it in the two forums...
I try to stream mosaic to Chromecast with no sucess
here is my vlm.conf :
Code: Select all
del all
new mos broadcast enabled
setup mos input "C:\Assistant-Plugins\BG1920.png"
setup mos option image-duration=-1
setup mos output #transcode{sfilter=mosaic{width=1920,height=1080,cols=2,rows=1,position=1,order="1,2",keep-aspect-ratio=enabled,keep-picture=1,mosaic-align=0},vcodec=mp4v,vb=2000,fps=15}:chromecast
new 1 broadcast enabled
setup 1 input "rtsp://"
setup 1 option dshow-fps=15
setup 1 option dshow-size="950x522"
setup 1 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=1,width=953,height=540},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=0}}
new 2 broadcast enabled
setup 2 input "rtsp://"
setup 2 option dshow-fps=15
setup 2 option dshow-size="950x522"
setup 2 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=2,width=953,height=540},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=1}}
control mos play
control 1 play
control 2 play
and the command line to launch VLC :
Code: Select all
vlc.exe --vlm-conf "C:\vlm.conf" --intf dummy --sout "#chromecast" --sout-chromecast-ip= --demux-filter=demux_chromecast"
- When I cast only one stream to my chromecast with this command line :
Code: Select all
vlc.exe "rtsp://" --intf dummy --rtp-client-port=46672 --sout "#chromecast" --sout-chromecast-ip= --demux-filter=demux_chromecast
- When I change "chromecast" to "duplicate{dst=display}" in vlm.conf and my command line to :
Code: Select all
vlc.exe --vlm-conf "C:\vlm.conf" --intf dummy
Where is my error ???
Can you help me ?
Many Thanks