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How to recording restreamed stream

Posted: 21 Mar 2019 22:52
by lazna
Have following schema:

Camera producing MJPEG stream - IP
VLC server - IPs,
Client PC - IP

Want to receiving stream from the camera by VLC server and restream it to PC (already done and working, PC receiving camera stream from the server). Than I want to be able saving this stream to a file simultaneosusly, stream saving control (start /stop recordins) should be done utilizing VLM.
Think about create another "stream" with "localhost:http_port_of_already_started_stream" as a source and "#std{access=file,mux=ps,dst=file.mpeg" as a destination, but unable to make it working (stream si defined but not "playing").

curl -s -u ":passwd" -G "http://vlc_server:9000/requests/vlm_cmd.xml" --data-urlencode "command=new stream_recordings broadcast enabled input "" output #std{access=file,mux=ps,dst=C:\RECORDINGS\camera\camera.mpg}"

It this a good idea? If not, could someone suggest me better one?

Thanks, L.