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VOD Howto

Posted: 19 Oct 2005 20:02
by bodrick
I'm currently working on a VOD howto that will cover some of the more interesting things out there, if there is any interest in such a thing let me know, if I get enough interest I'll put it on the Wiki too.

Posted: 20 Oct 2005 09:54
by como
Great idea bodrick :D

Posted: 20 Oct 2005 11:20
by nexusnet
Pls do it asp!

Posted: 21 Oct 2005 21:17
by johnnylq
Hi ...boddrivk Great idea.........

Well I'm very interested about VOD; I'm analyzing the flow work since the VLC (Client) solicits to sever (VLC-VOD) some video; Well I know the the client uses the libraries(RTSP-Client) to communicate to sever and decide the port number in which the client listen to incoming streaming from the server(RTP over UDP) the last one using the SDP protocol.....Can you tell me if you know:
- who decide the port numbers(client or server)??
- where are this source code(in the VLC or any other library)??
Thanks in advance......

Posted: 25 Oct 2005 15:08
by bodrick
Hi ...boddrivk Great idea.........

Well I'm very interested about VOD; I'm analyzing the flow work since the VLC (Client) solicits to sever (VLC-VOD) some video; Well I know the the client uses the libraries(RTSP-Client) to communicate to sever and decide the port number in which the client listen to incoming streaming from the server(RTP over UDP) the last one using the SDP protocol.....Can you tell me if you know:
- who decide the port numbers(client or server)??
- where are this source code(in the VLC or any other library)??
Thanks in advance......
In regards to what port the communication happens on, when setting up VLC on the server side, you pass in the port that the servers listen on for RTSP requests. The switch --rtsp-host.

Code: Select all

vlc --rtsp-host
This will set the VLC server to listen for RTSP requests on port 5554.
In communicating back and forwards, I'm making the assumption that a random port is negotiated for the acutally streaming. Someone else can correct me if I'm wrong on this.

In regards to where in the source code, I honestly don't know, I've not really run over the source with a fine comb, mostly I've played around with making updated ebuilds for Gentoo and some of the external libraries like Gpac, and x264.

Posted: 25 Oct 2005 16:03
by johnnylq
Well ....thanks anyway;

Posted: 31 Oct 2005 12:05
by emarri
I am all for the vlc vod howto, question is how soon you can get it done??

Soon hopefully

Posted: 04 Nov 2005 14:44
by bodrick
I've been really busy with a few projects for work and not had a chance to sit down and write anything, however the one major project I'm working on is coming to a close in the next week so hopefully I can start working on the guide then.

Posted: 06 Nov 2005 03:11
by doum
Really interested by an how-to when you can....I try to make a vod server for testing, but I don't find documentation which help me and i have difficulties

Good work

Posted: 11 Nov 2005 04:26
by kingbell
It is a good work.

Posted: 07 Dec 2005 17:07
by werix
still waiting....

Posted: 13 Dec 2005 16:12
by dunsti
good iedea
regards dunsti


Posted: 25 Jan 2006 21:31
by bioborg
To Quote:

Video On Demand
Basic example

First launch the vlc

% vlc --ttl 12 -vvv --color -I telnet --telnet-password videolan --rtsp-host

12 is the value of the TTL (Time To Live) of your IP packets (which means that the stream will be able to cross 11 routers).
telnet launches the telnet interface of the vlc.
videolan is the password to connect to the telnet interface. is the host address.
5554 is the port on which you stream.

Then you connect to the vlc telnet interface and create the vod object

new Test vod enabled
setup Test input my_video.mpg

You can access to the stream with:

% vlc rtsp://server:5554/Test
server is the address of the streaming server (IP or DNS)
OR YOU CAN fire up vlc's gui and select File-Open Network Stream- and select rtsp and rtsp://server:5554/Test

AND THEN What Really works for me (to quote again, from up the page)

Configuration Files
A VLM configuration file is a list of command lines : one line corresponds to one command line.

To create a configuration file, just edit a text file and type a list of VLM commands. Beware of recursive calls: you an put a load (file) in a configuration file which can lead to recursive inclusion of the same file and result in VLC's crash.

As of versions > 0.8.1, any line where the first non white space character is a # is considered as a comment.
So anyways, your configuration file look like this:

new test vod enabled
setup test input test.mpg

new test2 vod enabled
setup test input test2.mpg

save it with your videos with a .vlm extension

and then, cd into the directory where you have your videos,
and fire up vlc by typing

vlc --vlm-conf nameofconfigfile.vlm --ttl 12 -vvv --color -I telnet --telnet-password videolan --rtsp-host

you know, I guess we could leave out the telnet and telnet-password flags, now that we are feeding it via a vlm-conf

The quotes are quoted from: ... /ch05.html

Posted: 26 Jan 2006 15:22
by Miciolele
yes please.
For me is not clear how to stream DVD on demand.
I work for a school district and we have a juke box of DVD and i'd like to stream the DVD on demand (in some case also multicast)

Posted: 26 Jan 2006 17:01
by nx662001
Hi bodrick,

Thanks for putting up the VOD howto for VLM! It would be a great help.

It may be naive of me to make following statement, but I am wondering if it is reasonabe to consider a feature (or if it already exists, please kindly point out where/how to get it).

Currently in VLM, before I can request a media via VOD, I need to setup the media and its properties ahead up time using:

Code: Select all

new testObject vod enabled setup testObject input test.mpg ..
Subsequently, this test vod media object can be requested via

Code: Select all

vlc rtsp://server:5554/testObject

While it is trivial to setup one VOD media, it would be tedious if the VOD media count goes up. In contrast, the Web Server (e.g., apache) world seems simpler. For instance, you simply drop your files (resources) in a given directory under the Web Server Document Root, and it becomes accessible via a URL (describing the directory structure).

For instance, we drop the media file, test.mpg, in testDirectory/testSubdirectory/ (relative to the Web Server's document root directory). Without any more setup, this file is accessible via


Can this be done currently in VLM/VOD? If not, would it possible to implement this new features?

Posted: 13 Mar 2006 13:17
by michiel
i don't want to use telnet, so please don't forget the http-method

Posted: 27 Apr 2006 13:42
by MrExNice1979
just do it man :wink:

Soon hopefully

Posted: 08 May 2006 21:39
by bodrick
Sorry for not getting it up just yet, I've been really busy with my professional life, I've had so many projects come down the pipe etc, and its been a while since i played with VLC on my linux box, I'll keep you posted on when and where.
Thanks for the support though


Posted: 23 May 2006 15:37
by Guest
Hi everybody,

I'm new in the vlc use and am need suggestions to make a broadcasting services. My Idea is run a server and enable a machine to work like set top box, by that am need make a broadcast like a tv channel.

Someone can meke me any suggestion how transmit the video


Posted: 20 Nov 2006 18:02
by buscon
Hi everybody,

I'm trying to do some VOD with vlc, but:
- if I use rtsp protocol, I can use only vlc as client
- if I use http, nothing works

Does anyone got a solution for VOD, with a different client than vlc?


Posted: 19 Mar 2007 04:44
by marcuschan
any news in year 2007?

VOD using HTTP

Posted: 06 May 2007 17:11
by marioja
I have tried all tricks in the book and I cannot get VOD to work using HTTP. Can anyone give a simple working example? Thanks.

Re: VOD Howto

Posted: 29 May 2008 13:42
by dineshatit
please help me to solve the problem ..


thanks in advance

Re: VOD Howto

Posted: 09 Sep 2008 09:01
by ragu_ganiger

Can anyone let me know, What is the maximum instances of a concurrent streams does a VOD support ??

with regards,

Re: VOD Howto

Posted: 09 Sep 2008 13:40
by dionoea
There's no fixed limit. It depends on what your streaming, what hardware you have, what OS you run and how much bandwidth you have.