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issues with ftp streaming

Posted: 22 Mar 2015 16:19
by dernetteeddie1978

I cannot stream any file from my ftp via VLC.

Steps to reproduce:

1: Try to open networkstream using: ftp://user:password@url/path/file.avi/[mkv/mp3]
2: Nothing happens at all, screen just stays black without any error message

I have logged the actions using vlc`s logging feature Verbosity set to 2 (Deleted User, Password and URL):

Code: Select all

-- logger module started -- core: VLC wird mit dem Standard-Interface ausgeführt. Benutzen Sie 'cvlc', um VLC ohne Interface zu verwenden. core debug: adding item ``s/Axel%20Foley%20-%20Beverly%20Hills%20Cop%20Theme.mp3' ( ftp://USER:Password%@URL/Musik/80`s/Axel%20Foley%20-%20Beverly%20Hills%20Cop%20Theme.mp3 ) core debug: processing request item:`s/Axel%20Foley%20-%20Beverly%20Hills%20Cop%20Theme.mp3, node: null, skip: 0 core debug: rebuilding array of current - root Wiedergabeliste core debug: rebuild done - 1 items, index 0 core debug: starting playback of the new playlist item core debug: rescore debug: meta ok for (null), need to fetch art yncing on`s/Axel%20Foley%20-%20Beverly%20Hills%20Cop%20Theme.mp3 core debug:`s/Axel%20Foley%20-%20Beverly%20Hills%20Cop%20Theme.mp3 is atc o0r ec odreeb udge:b ulgo:o kcirnega tfionrg mneetwa ifneput thread core debug: Creating an input for '`s/Axel%20Foley%20-%20Beverly%20Hills%20Cop%20Theme.mp3' core debug: requesting art for`s/Axel%20Foley%20-%20Beverly%20Hills%20Cop%20Theme.mp3 qt4 debug: IM: Setting an input core debug: using timeshift granularity of 50 MiB, in path 'C:\Users\EDDIEN~1\AppData\Local\Temp' core debug: `ftp://USER:PASSWORD@URL/Musik/80`s/Axel%20Foley%20-%20Beverly%20Hills%20Cop%20Theme.mp3' gives access `fttpc'h edre mmuoxd u`l'e pmaatthc h`idnegr n"eatntye"e:d d1i ec1978:PASSWORD@URL/Musik/80`s/Axel%20Foley%20-%20Beverly%20Hills%20Cop%20Theme.mp3' core debug: specified demux `any' core debug: creating demux: access='ftp' demux='any' location='dernetteeddie1a9n7d8i:dUamtTeasD 195f%@URL/Musik/80`lsu/aA xdeelb%u2g0:F oTlreyyi%n2g0 -L%u2a0 Bsecvreirplts in C:\Users\Eddie NB\AppData\Roaming\vlc\lua\meta\fetcher lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\fetcher y%20Hills%20Cop%20Thelmuea. mdpe3b'u gf:i lTer=y'i\n\gd eLrunae tptleaeydldiiset1 9s7c8r:iUpmtT aCD:1\9P5rfo'g ram cFoirlee sd\eVbiudgeo:L AlNo\oVkLing for acceCs\sl_udae\mmuext am\ofdeutlceh emra\ttcvhriangge .l"ufatcp ": 12 candidates core debug: no access_demux modules matched core ldueab udge:b ucgr:e astkiinpgp iancgc esscsr i'pftt p('u nlmoactacthieodn =s'cdoepren)e tCt:e\ePdrdoiger1a9m7 8F:iUlmeTsa\DV195f%@arvid.idddenosL.AnNe\tV/LMCu\sliuka/\8m0e`tsa/\Afxeetlc%h2e0rF\otlverya%g2e0.-l%u2a0cB everly%20cHoirlel sd%e2b0uCgo:p %n2o0 Tmheetmae .fmeptcher 3'c,o rpea tdhe=b'u\g\:d elronoeking for meta fetcher module matching "any": 1 candidates lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Users\Eddie NB\AppData\Roaming\vlc\lua\meta\fetcher lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\fetcher motdtueleedsd imea1t9c7h8e:UmTda D1c9o5rfe' debucgo:r es edaerbcuhgi:n gl oaorkti nfgo rf ofrt pa:c/c/easrsv imdodule matching "ftp": 21 candidates lu.dadn s.dneet/bMuusigk/80`s/Axel%20Foley%20-%20Beverly%20Hills%20Cop%20Theme.mp3 core debug: looking foco:r eT rdyeibnugg :L unaet :p lcaoynlniesctt isncgr itpot aCr:v\iPdr.odgdnsr.anme tF iploerst\ V2i1d eoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\fetcher\tvrage.luac lua debug: skipping script (unmatched scope) C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\rl uaar\tm eftian\dfeert cmhoedru\ltev rmaagtec.hliunagc "any": 2 ccoarned iddeabtues g: no meta fetcher modules matched core debug: searchinlgu aa rdte bfuogr: fTtrpy:i/n/ga rLvuiad .sdcdrnisp.tnse ti/nM uCs:i\kU/s8e0r`ss\/EAdxdeile% 2N0B\AppData\Roaming\vlc\lua\meta\art lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\luaF\omleetya%\2a0r-t% 20Beverly%20Hills%2l0uCao pd%e2b0uTgh:e mTer.ymipn3g Luac oprlea ydleibsutg :s clroiopkti nCg: \fProgram Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\00_musicbrainz.luac or art finder module maltucah idnegb u"ga:n ys"k:i p2p icnagn dsicdraitpets (unmatched scope) C:\Program Fillueas \dVeibduego:L ATNr\yViLnCg\ lLuuaa\ msectrai\patrst \i0n0 _Cm:u\sUiscebrrsa\iEndzd.ileu aNcB \AppData\lRuoaa mdienbgu\gv:l cT\rlyuian\gm eLtuaa\ aprlta ylist lsucar idpetb uCg::\ PTrroygirnagm LFuial ess\VideoLAN\cVrLiCp\tlsu ai\nm eCt:a\\Parrotg\r0a1m_ gFoiolgelse\iVmiadgeeo.LlAuNa\cV LC\lua\meta\art lua debug: Trying Lua plalyulai sdte bsucgr:i pstk iCp:p\iPnrgo gsrcarmi pFti l(eusn\mVaideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\00_musicbrainz.luac tched scope) C:\Program Files\VideoLAlNu\aV LdCe\bluuga:\ msektiap\pairntg\ 0s1c_rgiopotg l(euinmmaagtec.hleuda cs cope) C:l\uPar odgerbaumg :F iTlreysi\nVgi dLeuoaL ApNl\aVyLlCi\sltu as\cmreitpat\ aCr:t\\P0r0o_gmruasmi cFbirlaeisn\zV.ildueaocL AN\VLC\lluuaa \dmeebtuag\:a rTtr\y0i2n_gf rLeunac hptlva.ylluiasct script C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\01_googleimage.lualcu a debug: skipping script (unmatched scope) C:\Program Files\VideoLlAuNa\ VdLeCb\ulgu:a \smkeitpap\ianrgt \s0c2r_ifprte n(cuhntmva.tlcuhaecd scope) Cl:u\aP rdoegbruagm: FTirlyeisn\gV iLdueao LpAlNa\yVlLiCs\tl usac\rmieptta \Ca:r\tP\r0o1g_rgaomo gFlieliemsa\gVei.dleuoaLcA N\VLC\lulau\am edteab\uagr:t \T0r3y_ilng aLsutaf mp.llauyalci st script C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\02_frenchtv.lulauca debug: skipping script (unmatched scope) C:\Program Files\VideoLlAuNa\ VdLeCb\ulgu:a \smkeitpap\ianrgt \s0c3r_ilpats t(fumn.mlautacch ed scopec)o rCe: \dPerbouggr:a mn oF ialrets \fViinddeeorL AN\VLC\lua\mmoedtual\easr tm\a0t2c_hferde ncchotrve. ldueabcu g: art noltu af oduenbdu gf:o rT rfytipn:g/ /Laurav et/Musik/80`s/Axel%20Fsoclreiyp%t2 0C-:%\2P0rBoegvrearml yF%i2l0eHsi\lVlisd%e2o0LCAoNp\%V2L0CT\hleumae\.mmept3a \art\03_lastfm.luac lua debug: skipping script (unmatched scope) C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\03_lastfm.luac core debug: no art finder modules matched core debug: art not found for`s/Axel%20Foley%20-%20Beverly%20Hills%20Cop%20Theme.mp3 core debug: connection succeeded (socket = 1460) ftp debug: received response: "220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] ----------" ftp debug: connection accepted (220) ftp debug: sending request: "FEAT" (6 bytes) core debug: exiting core debug: removing all interfaces core debug: exiting core debug: no exit handler core debug: removing module "qt4" core debug: deactivating the playlist core debug: incoming request - stopping current input core debug: object waitpipe triggered core debug: socket 1460 polling interrupted ftp error: response failure ftp error: cannot get server features core debug: no access modules matched core debug: incoming request - stopping current input core debug: dead input qt4 debug: IM: Deleting the input core debug: removing module "directsound" qt4 debug: requesting exit... qt4 debug: waiting for UI thread... qt4 debug: QApp exec() finished qt4 debug: Video is not needed anymore qt4 debug: Killing extension dialog provider qt4 debug: ExtensionsDialogProvider is quitting... core debug: removing module "lua" lua debug: Deactivating all loaded extensions lua debug: All extensions are now deactivated core debug: removing module "win32" core debug: removing module "hotkeys" core debug: removing module "logger" -- logger module stopped --

Mayba anyone who can help?


Re: issues with ftp streaming

Posted: 22 Mar 2015 22:26
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
ftp error: response failure
ftp error: cannot get server features

Are you reading this FTP stream?

Re: issues with ftp streaming

Posted: 23 Mar 2015 08:22
by dernetteeddie1978
Thats whats in the logs...

Re: issues with ftp streaming

Posted: 23 Mar 2015 18:39
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Are you playing or streaming?

Re: issues with ftp streaming

Posted: 23 Mar 2015 21:58
by dernetteeddie1978
I try to play a stream from my ftp

Re: issues with ftp streaming

Posted: 24 Mar 2015 19:52
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Your FTP server does not allow to play

Re: issues with ftp streaming

Posted: 24 Mar 2015 21:06
by dernetteeddie1978
Okay thanks. Whats the reason? When I use my android phone it`s playing without any issues. I use ES-Dateiexplorer to choose a file and then the Android-VLC opens automatically and plays the stream.
