Thank you for updating VLC Win32 to version 2.2.0.
I Tried to transcode http .ts source into WebM stream using VLM LUA interface, but VLC crashes.
In Changelog, it says:
Streaming: * WebM streaming, including live sources, compatible with all major browsers
Code: Select all
vlc <your-source> vlc://quit --sout '#transcode{vcodec=VP80,vb=1000,acodec=vorb,ab=128} :std{access=http{mime=video/webm},mux=webm,dst=:4212}'
I gave Browser this
Code: Select all
http://none:pass@myWAN:8080/requests/vlm_cmd.xml?command=new TEST broadcast enabled input "http://sourceIP:8001/1:0:1:11:3:F:FFFF0000:0:0:0:" output #transcode{vcodec=VP80,vb=512,acodec=vorb,ab=128}:std{access=http{mime=video/webm},mux=webm,dst=:4212}
VLC started to execute the command but when Input .ts was streaming in, VLC just exists. Restarting VLC wants to send debug log (I did).
This works perfectly
Code: Select all
http://none:pass@myWAN:8080/requests/vlm_cmd.xml?command=new TEST broadcast enabled input "http://sourceIP:8001/1:0:1:11:3:F:FFFF0000:0:0:0:" output #transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=384,fps=25,width=640,height=360,venc=x264{{profile=baseline,level=1}},acodec=mp3,ab=96,channels=1,samplerate=48000}:http{dst=:8080/stream.ts}
The idea is to transcode DreamBox input into something that can be streamed into plain HTML5 browser. WebM might be good choise, not JWplayer....