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VLM output channel authentication

Posted: 06 Apr 2014 18:02
by prichr27
Hello everyone. I am setting up a camera re-stream at a school for the first time using VLM conf. It is very easy to restream RTSP/RTP using a vlm conf file, but does anyone know if I can add a basic username/password to my output stream? I have been searching for over a week now for a solution and I would even pay at this point just so someone could help me solve this. Here is my current vlm.conf file it works very well.

Code: Select all

new channel1 broadcast enabled setup channel1 input rtsp://root:default@ setup channel1 output #rtp{sdp=rtsp://:8554/camera1} new channel2 broadcast enabled setup channel2 input rtsp://root:default@ setup channel2 output #rtp{sdp=rtsp://:8554/camera2} new channel3 broadcast enabled setup channel3 input rtsp://root:default@ setup channel3 output #rtp{sdp=rtsp://:8554/camera3} new channel4 broadcast enabled setup channel4 input rtsp://root:default@ setup channel4 output #rtp{sdp=rtsp://:8554/camera4} control channel1 play control channel2 play control channel3 play control channel4 play
If anyone can help me with this, I can help you with professional references and online work or just pay you.

Re: VLM output channel authentication

Posted: 22 Apr 2014 13:57
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
VLC RTSP server does not support rtsp authentication.