Choosing DirectX Audio Output Device with VLM?
Posted: 02 Feb 2013 23:49
I'm attempting to assign different VLM streams to different output audio devices, but I'm not sure exactly what I should be doing. Here is a snippet of my VLM script:
Unfortunately, when I play this stream, the output still comes out of my default speaker device, not the one I specified. Also, when I stop the stream, VLC crashes.
Is there something I should be doing differently? Is there any other info I need to provide about my setup?
Code: Select all
new CommentatorMic broadcast enabled
setup CommentatorMic input dshow://
setup CommentatorMic option dshow-vdev="None"
setup CommentatorMic option dshow-adev="Microphone (DYNEX USB Audio Dev"
setup CommentatorMic option directx-audio-device="Speakers / Headphones (IDT High Definition Audio CODEC)"
setup CommentatorMic option aout="directx"
setup CommentatorMic output #display
Is there something I should be doing differently? Is there any other info I need to provide about my setup?