file-appending strange behaviour

Discussion about configuration and usage of VLM (a stream scheduler) within VLC.
New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 05 Sep 2006 16:03

file-appending strange behaviour

Postby Clime » 07 Sep 2006 15:51


I tried to append to the file controlling VLM:

new X broadcast enabled
setup X input udp:@ output #std{access=file{append},dst=D:/video/teststream.avi",mux=ps}
control X play

..after a few sec:
control X stop

And now if I send the command __ control X play __ within several seconds(i guess! <30 s) than there is a big delay in result file when displaying freezes. I think that this delay is the same as delay between sending commnands: control X stop ... control X play
(in this case i'm not completely sure)

But if the delay between these two commands is bigger(i guess! again >30 s) the stream is without any spaces(delays). Image jumps in miliseconds.

Bug or Feature? :?

I need stream without these delays. Do you know way to do it?

Thank you

I found out that this problem is general and not only connected with VLM. Problem appeared when I tried the same thing via GUI(buttons PLAY STOP).

My version of VLC is 0.8.5 and my OS is Windows 2000 NT but i think it isn't important in this case.

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