I cannot get any VLM commands to work.

Discussion about configuration and usage of VLM (a stream scheduler) within VLC.
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New Cone
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I cannot get any VLM commands to work.

Postby pfoxgrover » 01 Aug 2006 21:50

I am trying to get remote control of another computer,so that I can start a streaming video from that computer, to the one I'm on.
I am using windows XP with the new version of VLC on both computers.
I have tried to get the VLC telnet commands to work but all I can get is the VLC command window with just the commands on help and longhelp. when I press add telnet interface, nothing happens.
I have no ideal where to get the % vlc or --vlc or new or anything that the documentation tells me to do. Can somebody please help me.

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