Telnet and pathname .....

Discussion about configuration and usage of VLM (a stream scheduler) within VLC.
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Telnet and pathname .....

Postby Mimiru » 30 Jun 2006 01:28


I'm under linux .......

and i'm wondering how can I add a file with special characters in the name as input for vod, broadcast or schedule mode.

eg :
my file is : /var/vod/AFile WithSpace.avi

I've tried :
new test vod input /var/vod/AFile WithSpace.avi mux mp2t enabled
new test vod input /var/vod/AFile\ WithSpace.avi mux mp2t enabled
new test vod input "/var/vod/AFile WithSpace.avi" mux mp2t enabled
new test vod input "/var/vod/AFile\ WithSpace.avi" mux mp2t enabled

none works ..... but it works if I rename the file ........
Is there any way to make it works without renaming the file ?
what is the format that vlc use for the file path ?
because it's possible in windows but it's quite weird ("C:\my rep\\SecondRep\\myvideo.avi")


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Postby dionoea » 30 Jun 2006 22:25

quotes should work fine (at least in 0.8.5). If you have an older version it might be buggy.
Antoine Cellerier
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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Postby Mimiru » 01 Jul 2006 00:03

like that :

new test vod input '/var/vod/AFile WithSpace.avi' mux mp2t enabled


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Postby dionoea » 01 Jul 2006 14:18

yeah (or using double quotes)
Antoine Cellerier
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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Postby Mimiru » 02 Jul 2006 22:54

with 0.8.5 :

it works with space with quotes

but not with special caracters like those who have an accent ......


Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Postby Mimiru » 04 Jul 2006 18:33

there is still no issue for the accents in folder name ?

do I need to create a new post for this ?


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Postby michaeljk » 26 Jul 2006 04:41

There's not only a problem with special chars. I'm using the following configuration:

Code: Select all

new test vod setup test input dvdsimple://e:\test setup test output #transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=2048,ab=128} setup test enabled
"dvdsimple://e:\test" is a directory with AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS subdirs, a copy of a dvd. This works just fine - but if I want to move this directory, e.g. to "dvdsimple://e:\media\dvds\test" it doesn't work anymore :-(

VLC gives the following error when I try to play the file:

Code: Select all

livedotcom error: PLAY failed No RTSP session is currently in progress main error: no suitable access module for `rtsp://'
By the way:
If I configure several vod-streams in my VLM-configuration file, the load-command takes very long - I'm using 2-3 directories at this time and it takes 5 secs after the command "load vlm.conf" via telnet. What if I have configured 100 directories? 300 seconds? ;-) Is this normal?

I'm using VLC 0.8.5.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Postby Mimiru » 26 Jul 2006 16:37

Oh I had the same trouble two month ago ...... with files .......

If I remember well .....

you need to change this : e:\folder\toto
to this : e:\\folder\toto

Don't know why ......

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Postby michaeljk » 26 Jul 2006 17:41

Hmm.. that doesn't work either - but if you use

Code: Select all

it will work, thank you ;-)

Seems to be a problem with escaping the backslashes, so you always have to use it twice in your path.

The "load-problem" now still exists for me - I've just tested it, now it takes approx. 10 seconds to load a VLM-list with 6 entries :-( It seems that VLC scans the whole directories/files or something like that when I execute the command...

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Postby Mimiru » 27 Jul 2006 17:25

I'm under a linux platform ......

loading 250 videos in one raw take to the comp 1/2 sec (the time for the telnet interface to react ..... a lot of output)

So I guess it doesn't help you .......

but I've seen that it requires hard drive speed to load and enable anything ..... The slowdown might be due to your hard drive speed ........

try to defrag it ...... use another hard drive than the one that is running your windows ...... place the hard drive in a separate data cable .... lonely (if you are in PATA)

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