Using VLM to VOD trough my website

Discussion about configuration and usage of VLM (a stream scheduler) within VLC.

Using VLM to VOD trough my website

Postby rpintor » 27 Sep 2005 17:59

Hi everybody. I have an in-LAN website that offers the nodes in the LAN the option to download trough http .asf videos and .mp3 files from different news programs on terrestrial tv. I use VLC to transcode the mpeg files captured with 3 Hauppauges WinTV 350.

I would like to introduce in my website the option to see the file by streaming, so:

- I have readed in previous posts that the http interface of VLM doesn't work very well at the moment.
- I have readed too, that it won't be hard to automate some kind of script to add a new transcoded file to VoD by telnet commands.

Then, I would like to know some things about putting it all togheter on my website:

- ¿Which is the best way to do it?
- ¿Could users access the videos through http?
- ¿Is .asf the best option for me to transcode, or is there something already probed in VoD trough http?
- ¿Could user access it with WMPlayer?

Some things:

At the moment, I use:

VLC 0.8.2 for Windows
Apache 2.0 for Windows
Website written in php4
Clients use:

Windows XP
Windows Media Player (that is not definitive)

Thanks a lot, sorry (very very sorry) for my bad english.




Postby rpintor » 27 Sep 2005 18:57

It's me again.

In addition of my previous question, I have another,

When I add a new vod from the telnet interface, what protocols can I use? only rtsp?

Thanks again



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Postby dionoea » 27 Sep 2005 19:00

rtsp isn't available in the graphical interface yet. Set chapter 05 of the streaming howto (VLM) here :
Antoine Cellerier
(Please do not use private messages for support questions)


Postby rpintor » 28 Sep 2005 10:27

Well, I have readed a lot about my problem, in the forums and in the and now I understand a little bit what I'm trying to do, and What I need to ask... sorry.

I think the option that I need is to make VoD with rtsp, control it by the telnet interface, and give access to users that (mostly) have Internet Explorer and WMP installed.

In previous posts from Aug 2005, the answer was that WMP can't play rtsp VoD. ¿Is that true? I have been trying to do it and doesn't work for me too, but It seems that rtsp is allowed in WMP, What about this?

Another option could be to use Mozilla/Firefox plugin, but my clients use Internet Explorer.

It seem that I'm stuck in that point... Could you please recommend me any solution?

Thanks in advance again, and sorry again for my bad english...



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vlc vlm quicktime

Postby bioborg » 24 Oct 2005 22:12

I have had success streaming from vlc to quicktime. both windows and apple clients can view. Test your streams with quicktime, most of them work, you cannot use mp3 audio in mpeg4s in quicktime ,though.

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Postby mediaguy2006 » 08 Apr 2006 00:22

Maybe it would be best just to record all your clips and put them up as wM9 if you are recording a lot of content you will have many hours of video so it will be very dificult to keep the mpeg video on your server Mpeg takes up alot of space. You just may want to put the clips up and then if you have a database just have them so the can be accesed. If not you can just put them in the order you want by link and ite will download and start playing once the persona clicks on the link.
that may work better. I am looking do to something similar but I have chosen a differnt route. by any chance do know anyone that can help me with a data base project.


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Inlan streaming

Postby mediaguy06 » 21 Apr 2006 15:45

Podiste resorver tu problema. De hacer qeu los videos se puedan bajar.
Did you resolve you download problem with your videos and mp3. Would like to hear about you results..


Postby Guest » 18 Jul 2006 14:47

Well, I have readed a lot about my problem, in the forums and in the and now I understand a little bit what I'm trying to do, and What I need to ask... sorry.

I think the option that I need is to make VoD with rtsp, control it by the telnet interface, and give access to users that (mostly) have Internet Explorer and WMP installed.

In previous posts from Aug 2005, the answer was that WMP can't play rtsp VoD. ¿Is that true? I have been trying to do it and doesn't work for me too, but It seems that rtsp is allowed in WMP, What about this?

Another option could be to use Mozilla/Firefox plugin, but my clients use Internet Explorer.

It seem that I'm stuck in that point... Could you please recommend me any solution?

Thanks in advance again, and sorry again for my bad english...



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