Stream starts not automaticly on Startup

Discussion about configuration and usage of VLM (a stream scheduler) within VLC.
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Stream starts not automaticly on Startup

Postby azmo » 08 Mar 2006 09:48

I have a config file for the VLM everything works fine but i have to visit the VLM http interface before the stream starts.

How can the stream starts automaticly, without visiting the VLM page first?

Code: Select all

new ETV broadcast enabled loop setup ETV input "v4l:/dev/video0:norm=pal-i:frequency=671250:size=180x144" setup ETV output #transcode{vcodec=WMV2,vb=1024,venc=ffmpeg{keyint=80,hurry-up,vt=80000},deinterlaced}:std{access=mmsh,mux=asfh,url=:8076/tv.asf} control ETV play

Cone Master
Cone Master
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Location: Paris, France

Postby dionoea » 08 Mar 2006 17:41

add -I telnet (or --extraintf telnet) to your command line. This will trigger automatic parsing of your VLM batch file.
Antoine Cellerier
(Please do not use private messages for support questions)

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