vlc 4.0 and VLM. Working?

Discussion about configuration and usage of VLM (a stream scheduler) within VLC.
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 37
Joined: 07 Nov 2013 17:48

vlc 4.0 and VLM. Working?

Postby skuwakin » 09 May 2023 16:11

Good time of day. I decided to try vlc 4.0 vlm. I tried both through the import of the vlm file from the GUI and through the parameter. Does not work. Everything works fine in vlc 3.0 .xx, the startup string and log are attached.

Code: Select all

vlc.exe --file-logging --logfile=vlc.log --logmode=text --log-verbose=3 --avcodec-hw=none --mosaic-width=1920 --mosaic-height=1080 --mosaic-keep-picture --mosaic-position=2 --mosaic-order=c1,c2,cd_1,cu_1,cl_1,cr_1,c2_1,c2_2,c4_1,c4_2,c4_3,c4_4,c9_1,c9_2,c9_3,c9_4,c9_5,c9_6,c9_7,c9_8,c9_9,cd_0,cu_0,cl_0,cr_0,cd_2,cu_2,cl_2,cr_2,cd_3,cu_3,cl_3,cr_3,c2_max,c2_min,c16_1,c16_2,c16_3,c16_4,c16_5,c16_6,c16_7,c16_8,c16_9,c16_10,c16_11,c16_12,c16_13,c16_14,c16_15,c16_16,c36_x,c36_y,cp0,cp1,cp2,cp3,cp4,cp5,cp_0,cp_1,cp_2,cp_3,cp_4,cp_5,s0x0,s0x1,s0x2,s0x3,s1x0,s1x1,s1x2,s1x3,s2x0,s2x1,s2x2,s2x3,s3x0,s3x1,s3x2,s3x3 --mosaic-offsets=0,0,1230,680,1230,680,1230,40,50,40,50,680,0,270,960,270,0,0,960,0,0,540,960,540,0,0,640,0,1280,0,0,360,640,360,1280,360,0,720,640,720,1280,720,1550,860,1550,40,50,40,50,860,910,500,910,40,50,40,50,500,240,135,240,135,240,135,240,135,320,180,1600,900,0,0,480,0,960,0,1440,0,270,0,270,480,270,960,270,1440,540,0,540,480,540,960,540,1440,810,0,810,480,810,960,810,1440,320,0,0,180,640,360,0,720,0,360,0,0,640,0,1280,0,320,180,0,360,0,180,0,0,320,0,640,0,0,0,0,270,0,540,0,810,480,0,480,270,480,540,480,810,960,0,960,270,960,540,960,810,1440,0,1440,270,1440,540,1440,810 --vlm-conf=test_pip.c

Code: Select all

del all new bg broadcast loop input "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" output #transcode{sfilter=mosaic,fps=25,vcodec=mpeg2}:bridge-in{id-offset=100}:standard{access=http,mux=ts,dst=} enabled control bg play

Code: Select all

-- logger module started -- main debug: VLC media player - 4.0.0-dev Otto Chriek main debug: Copyright © 1996-2023 the VideoLAN team main debug: revision 4.0.0-dev-23753-gf67f504ab4 main debug: configured with /builds/videolan/vlc/extras/package/win32/../../../configure '--enable-update-check' '--enable-lua' '--enable-flac' '--enable-theora' '--enable-avcodec' '--enable-merge-ffmpeg' '--enable-dca' '--enable-libass' '--enable-schroedinger' '--enable-live555' '--enable-shout' '--enable-goom' '--enable-sse' '--enable-libcddb' '--enable-zvbi' '--disable-telx' '--enable-nls' '--host=i686-w64-mingw32' '--with-contrib=../contrib/i686-w64-mingw32' '' '--enable-debug' '--enable-qt' '--enable-skins2' '--enable-dvdread' '--enable-caca' 'build_alias=' 'host_alias=i686-w64-mingw32' 'target_alias=' 'CFLAGS= -D__MSVCRT_VERSION__=0x700 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 -DWINVER=0x0601 ' 'CPPFLAGS= -D__MSVCRT_VERSION__=0x700 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 -DWINVER=0x0601' 'CXXFLAGS= -D__MSVCRT_VERSION__=0x700 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 -DWINVER=0x0601 ' 'PKG_CONFIG=pkg-config' 'PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/i686-w64-mingw32/pkgconfig' main debug: using performance counters as clock source main debug: frequency: 10000000 Hz main debug: searching plug-in modules main debug: loading plugins cache file E:\vlc-4.0.0-dev\plugins\plugins.dat main warning: cannot read E:\vlc-4.0.0-dev\plugins\plugins.dat: No such file or directory main debug: recursively browsing `E:\vlc-4.0.0-dev\plugins' main error: cannot load plug-in E:\vlc-4.0.0-dev\plugins\video_output\libplacebo_vk_plugin.dll: Не найден указанный модуль. (error 126) main debug: plug-ins loaded: 543 modules main debug: opening config file (E:\vlc-4.0.0-dev\portable\vlcrc) main debug: looking for logger module matching "any": 2 candidates file debug: opening logfile `vlc.log' main debug: using logger module "file" main debug: looking for tracer module matching "none": 0 candidates main debug: no tracer modules matched with name none main debug: translation test: code is "ru" main debug: looking for keystore module matching "memory": 1 candidates main debug: using keystore module "memory" main debug: CPU has capabilities SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 FPU main debug: looking for medialibrary module matching "any": 1 candidates medialibrary debug: Opening medialibrary from E:\vlc-4.0.0-dev\portable/ml/ml.db, db at E:\vlc-4.0.0-dev\portable/ml/mlstorage/ main debug: using medialibrary module "medialibrary" main debug: creating VLM main debug: loading VLM configuration main debug: load test_pip.c main debug: creating audio output main debug: looking for audio output module matching "any": 2 candidates mmdevice debug: using default device mmdevice error: cannot get default device (error 0x80070490) mmdevice error: cannot get device identifier (error 0x80070490) main debug: using audio output module "mmdevice" main debug: keeping audio output main debug: Creating an input for 'playlist.m3u8?sid=zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz' medialibrary debug: MediaLibrary successfully initialized main debug: looking for services probe module matching "any": 6 candidates main debug: no services probe modules matched with name any main debug: looking for services_discovery module matching "microdns": 1 candidates microdns debug: mDNS: listening to _ftp._tcp.local service microdns debug: mDNS: listening to _smb._tcp.local service microdns debug: mDNS: listening to _nfs._tcp.local service
together zzzzzzzzzzzzzz the working address of the stream was used

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Site Administrator
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VLC version: 4.0.0-git
Operating System: Linux, Windows, Mac
Location: Cone, France

Re: vlc 4.0 and VLM. Working?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 10 Nov 2023 10:51

No, it's currently broken. We will fix.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
http://www.jbkempf.com/ - http://www.jbkempf.com/blog/category/Videolan
VLC media player developer, VideoLAN President and Sites administrator
If you want an answer to your question, just be specific and precise. Don't use Private Messages.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 37
Joined: 07 Nov 2013 17:48

Re: vlc 4.0 and VLM. Working?

Postby skuwakin » 28 Jan 2025 12:23

More than a year has passed since your reply... Today I tried to run a vlm command file, alas, it didn't work, and it still doesn't work... There are at least approximate dates when it will work, it is very interesting to try, since there are some problems on vlc vlc 3.x that were promised to be fixed only on vlc 4.x...

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