Is RTSP still the only protocol allowed in Vod?

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Is RTSP still the only protocol allowed in Vod?

Postby angeldelblancoaguado » 16 Oct 2018 14:32


I'm trying to change VoD protocol to HTML. I saw the following comment of Sebastien Escudier in 2012:

"The problem is you cannot change the stream output protocol with VoD.
Only rtsp vod is supported."

something changed or doesn't VLC still allow to change streaming protocol of VoD to HTML?

I've tried the following:

Start streaming / VideoLan Manager:
vlc --ttl 12 -vvv --color -I telnet --telnet-password videolan --rtsp-port 8888

Access to VML interface:
telnet localhost 4212

VML commands to add AoD endpoint and add local resource
new Test vod enabled
setup Test input af-4-1978.ogg

Consume endpoint from VLC
vlc rtsp://localhost:8888/Test

Until that step, everything work. But I've tried the following in VLM telnet interface without success (HTTP 502 error when accessing to localhost:8080/test both from command line and browser):

setup Test output #standard{access=http,mux=ogg,url=:8080/test}
setup Test output #std{access=http,mux=ogg,url=:8080/test}
setup test output #standard{access=http,mux=ogg,dst=localhost:8080/test}

I've also tried to export the VML configuration made in VLC VLM configuration interface with same result:
new test vod enabled
setup test input "file:///home/jesus/angel/workspace/trackswitch.js/audios/llamada2h/prueba.mp3"
setup test output #transcode{vcodec=none,acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100,scodec=none}:http{mux=mp3,dst=}
setup testmp3 option file-caching=300

Any ideas out there?

Thank you very much in advance.


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Re: Is RTSP still the only protocol allowed in Vod?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 10 Feb 2019 22:33

For now, yes. Then, we will move to HTTP.
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