vlm and status.xml and playlist.xml

Discussion about configuration and usage of VLM (a stream scheduler) within VLC.
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vlm and status.xml and playlist.xml

Postby alv » 22 Sep 2016 20:16

i have vlm which i run with http request and it run and play stream fine.

but i m trying to see status.xml and playlist.xml via and playlist.xml but output is something like this.

the output of playlist.xml is something like this:

Code: Select all

<node ro="rw" name="Undefined" id="1"><node ro="ro" name="Playlist" id="2"/><node ro="ro" name="Media Library" id="3"/></node>
the output of status.xml is somthing like this:

Code: Select all

<root><fullscreen>0</fullscreen><audiodelay>0</audiodelay><apiversion>3</apiversion><currentplid>-1</currentplid><time>0</time><volume>307</volume><length>0</length><random>false</random><audiofilters><filter_0/></audiofilters><rate>1</rate><videoeffects><hue>0</hue><saturation>1</saturation><contrast>1</contrast><brightness>1</brightness><gamma>1</gamma></videoeffects><state>stopped</state><loop>false</loop><version>2.1.5 Rincewind</version><position>0</position><repeat>false</repeat><subtitledelay>0</subtitledelay><equalizer/><information><category name="meta"> </category></information><stats> </stats></root>
my question is if we use vlm to stream, can't we have status.xml and playlist.xml? we have to specify another http-port other than 8080? with what vlm option command?

if i stream mp3s with vlc normally and without vlm i can see status.xml and playlist.html fine.

i have tested with 2.1.5 and 2.2.4 with windows 7.

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Re: vlm and status.xml and playlist.xml

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 23 Sep 2016 14:08

No, so far, playlist and status are related only to the main playlist, which is not possible in VLM.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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