scene-prefix not working with VLM anymore?

Discussion about configuration and usage of VLM (a stream scheduler) within VLC.
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scene-prefix not working with VLM anymore?

Postby buzz_lightyear » 20 Oct 2015 13:09

i am using scene vfilter to generate thumbnails of many live stream inputs with VLM.
This was/is working fine with VLC version 1.1.13, but it doesn't work with vlc 2.1.6 and above up to current version 2.2.1.

Here's my vlm config (shortened to one service only):

Code: Select all

del all new test broadcast enabled loop setup test input udp://@ setup test option scene-format=png setup test option scene-ratio=5 setup test option scene-width=80 setup test option scene-height=45 setup test option scene-prefix=testchannel control test play
Startup of the VLM instance with a telnet interface:

Code: Select all

$ cvlc -v -I dummy --extraintf luatelnet --telnet-password asdasd -V dummy -A dummy --video-filter scene --scene-replace --scene-path=/tmp --vlm-conf ./channels.conf
Logged into VLM's telnet interface, "show" command displays:

Code: Select all

show media : ( 1 broadcast - 0 vod ) test type : broadcast enabled : yes loop : yes inputs 1 : udp://@ output : options scene-format=png scene-ratio=5 scene-width=80 scene-height=45 scene-prefix=testchannel instances instance name : default state : playing position : 0.000000 time : 0 length : 0 rate : 1.000000 title : 0 chapter : 0 can-seek : 0 playlistindex : 1 schedule >
The problem is, that scene-prefix is ignored and thumbnails created in /tmp/ are named just "scene.png".
As said above, with old 1.1.3 vlc version, this works just fine and the thumbnail filename is "/tmp/testchannel.png".

If i use --scene-prefix=testchannel on the command line, when starting vlc 2.1.6 and above, the filename is correct.

Please help.
Thank you.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: scene-prefix not working with VLM anymore?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 28 Jun 2016 09:18

Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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