Hi, I'm starting to use vlm from few days, I've searched everywhere but I wasn't able to find a recent solution to my problems. I have a lot of broadcast setted up on my vlm configuration file, every of them is fed up with an rtsp stream coming from a live ip camera.
My question is how can I set up vlm to achieve my task?
-I have to save the live video in files of X minute each (for example 1 minute);
-I have to save jpg shot every Y seconds (for example 5 seconds);
-It is better if I can name the files with date, but could be sufficient if I will can use different files.
For the jpg part I saw that there is a simple way to solve it Using a vlc stand alone process, but I would avoid it, for the video part instead I didn't find anything yet. I've tried to play with schedulers, without success, and maybe it's not the best way to do it.
Thank you.