How save video segment of X minute and jpg shot every Y seconds from multiple live rtsp streamings

Discussion about configuration and usage of VLM (a stream scheduler) within VLC.
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How save video segment of X minute and jpg shot every Y seconds from multiple live rtsp streamings

Postby aimaicai » 23 Feb 2015 15:16

Hi, I'm starting to use vlm from few days, I've searched everywhere but I wasn't able to find a recent solution to my problems. I have a lot of broadcast setted up on my vlm configuration file, every of them is fed up with an rtsp stream coming from a live ip camera.
My question is how can I set up vlm to achieve my task?
-I have to save the live video in files of X minute each (for example 1 minute);
-I have to save jpg shot every Y seconds (for example 5 seconds);
-It is better if I can name the files with date, but could be sufficient if I will can use different files.

For the jpg part I saw that there is a simple way to solve it Using a vlc stand alone process, but I would avoid it, for the video part instead I didn't find anything yet. I've tried to play with schedulers, without success, and maybe it's not the best way to do it.
Thank you.

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Re: How save video segment of X minute and jpg shot every Y seconds from multiple live rtsp streamings

Postby nagyv » 01 Apr 2015 14:44

you can use the scheduling function like this for the video part:

!!!always put the stop schedule first for each channel, so the last play will be valid on startup hence giving a good initial file.

this will create 15 minutes files with 2s gaps between

new sch_channelname_stop schedule enabled
setup sch_channelname_stop period 0/0/0-0:14:58
setup sch_channelname_stop append control channelname stop

new sch_channelname_play schedule enabled
setup sch_channelname_play period 0/0/0-0:15:00
setup sch_channelname_play append control channelname play


In your channel definition you can use date fromat strings in the output file name like: Channelanme-%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.avi . so you will have a new file in every 15 minutes.
Last edited by nagyv on 01 Apr 2015 14:49, edited 1 time in total.

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 18 Mar 2015 12:24

Re: How save video segment of X minute and jpg shot every Y seconds from multiple live rtsp streamings

Postby nagyv » 01 Apr 2015 14:46

for jpeg part you can use the scene video filter, however I have not tried it in VLM mode

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