Mp3 streaming in HTTP interface using VLM commands

Discussion about configuration and usage of VLM (a stream scheduler) within VLC.
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Mp3 streaming in HTTP interface using VLM commands

Postby krishsenthil » 14 Aug 2012 09:52


I have setup a HTTP interface for my streaming server. I am able to stream my audios through GUI from my server. But when I am trying to initiate the stream using my HTTP web interface using following commands in VLM Batch Commands editor, it is not initiating my streaming.

Here are my commands to initiate the streaming:

Code: Select all

new channel1 broadcast enabled setup channel1 input playlist.xspf setup channel1 output #transcoding{vcodec=none, acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2,samplerrate=144100} setup channel1 output #http{dst=IP_ADDR:PORT/stream.mp3} setup channel1 output #sout-keep
Am I missing something here :?: :?:

Thanks Krish....

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