running a VLM - very simple newbie question

Discussion about configuration and usage of VLM (a stream scheduler) within VLC.
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running a VLM - very simple newbie question

Postby chalozin » 28 Jul 2009 13:52


I have set a simple VLM config file which is set to display two video channels locally.
this is the VLM file content:

### begin
new channel0 broadcast enabled loop
setup channel0 input "c:\vlc\rushfondjvert.avi"
setup channel0 output #display :sout-keep"
new channl1 broadcast enabled loop
setup channl1 input "C:\vlc\bluescreen.mpg"
setup channl1 output #display :sout-keep"
### end

it seems that the file was loaded fine, but I dont understand how to activate this configuration.
meaning, how do I run it and see those video files?

Thanks so much in advance.


Big Cone-huna
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Re: running a VLM - very simple newbie question

Postby thannoy » 28 Jul 2009 14:34

Looking at VLM documentation, I would suggest you this:

Code: Select all

new channel0 broadcast enabled loop setup channel0 input "c:\vlc\rushfondjvert.avi" setup channel0 output #display new channl1 broadcast enabled loop setup channl1 input "C:\vlc\bluescreen.mpg" setup channl1 output #display control channel0 play control channl1 play
I don't know if you can add parameters in setup channl1 output #display like you did. And the lonely " in it was like a mistake.
Look at the above link to run the VLM stuff (requires telnet [extra] interface).

New Cone
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Re: running a VLM - very simple newbie question

Postby chalozin » 28 Jul 2009 17:08


thanks for your answer.
This is actually just a step in the process to get the full result i'm looking for.

what I would like to do is to be able to run two video feeds locally, one overlapping the other.
where one of that includes a green screen which I would like to make transparent using the "blue screen" filter.

I've came across this post: ... bluescreen
but I can't make that work - meaning, whatever I do, I see nothing happening.

I would really appreciate it if you could walk me through the process of making this work.



Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Location: France

Re: running a VLM - very simple newbie question

Postby thannoy » 28 Jul 2009 17:33

Sorry, I am not skilled in that way.

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