Delete a VOD item 3 times and you're out!

Discussion about configuration and usage of VLM (a stream scheduler) within VLC.
New Cone
New Cone
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Delete a VOD item 3 times and you're out!

Postby thaimin » 11 Oct 2008 08:09


I am using the latest pre-built Windows version of VLC and I start it up with:
vlc.exe --ttl 12 -vvv -I http --rtsp-host --http-host localhost:8080

And if I add and immediately delete VOD objects, on the third delete the server will crash. The pattern I have found that exhibits this behavior is "delete add delete add delete". On the third delete the script vlm_cmd.xml returns nothing (no error, not even the <?xml part) and the vlc.exe program dies. The names and files are all different for the three of them. If you add all of them first and then delete them it does not do this. If you suppress checking the status (vlm.xml) it does not help either. Even if you do not set the input it still does this! The simplest set of commands I can get to do this is (assuming there is a test1 added before):

del test1
new test2 vod
del test2
new test3 vod
del test3 (crash)

I cannot test if this happens in telnet because telnet is majorly broken on Windows. Starting it with -I telnet -extraintf http also does not help.
I have found a number of other sequences that crash it, basically adding setups and shows between the news and dels. The del command is what always crashes it. It can also be del all.

Timing seems to have some effect. If you go too fast, it may actually crash on the second delete. Same thing is true if you go to slow though (like 1 second between commands)!

So far I have found a workaround is calling "new dummy" right before del commands. The "dummy" is a reserved word, emits the error "new : dummy: Name already in use" but this extra new command fixes everything! I can repeat the add / delete forever as fast as I can call the URLs!

So, after all this discussion on what I have found out about the behavior of this problem I have a question:
Is there a better workaround? Or can I change something to fix this behavior?


Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 27
Joined: 16 May 2008 11:49

Re: Delete a VOD item 3 times and you're out!

Postby contremaitre » 13 Oct 2008 15:19


did you test latest nightly ?
I know something similar to this has been fixed recently.
And I do not have this bug.

If you still have this issue with latest nightly, could you post a backtrace ?

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