I'm trying to figure out how to change the input of a VLM element by VLM commands and haven't found anything. I'm trying to use the input list of a broadcast VLM element as a basic playlist, but I need the command to select the input number.
I'm scripting remotely a VLC media player a this could be very usefull to implement some kind of switching functionality to the broadcast VLM elements.
My fisrt input is a live stream so its never ends, but I need to switch to others inputs on demand.
For example, we could relay a live streaming and from time to time switch to some anouncement, advertisement, replay action or whatever. With the option sout-keep to keep the streaming going.
If this is imposible, the only way to do it is:
- 1. Stop the VLM element, destroy its input, set the new input, and play again the VLM element. Restart the process to get back to the old input.
2. Or, Stop and play differents VLM elements all of them with the same output.
3. Use the VLC media player own playlist and forget about VLM.
control (name) [instance_name] (command)
with control commands:
play, stop, pause and seek.
of all those, seek sounds promising but it only handles seeking in the current input (I understand), perhaps we could add a new control command like this:
Code: Select all
control (name) [instance_name] inputn (input number)
Code: Select all
control (name) [instance_name] play [input number]
Code: Select all
control (name) [instance_name] seek [+-](percentage) | [+-](seconds)s | [+-](milliseconds)ms [input number]
If this functionality is missing, could it be a good adition?
I don't think this could be hard to implement.
Thanks in advance!