text subtitles not working?

Discussion about configuration and usage of VLM (a stream scheduler) within VLC.
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text subtitles not working?

Postby malavon » 07 Apr 2008 15:02


I've been trying for a while to get text subtitles working through vlm as it works through a normal vlc set up.
I'll explain what I'm trying and what seems not to work:

First of all, everything was tested using the windows (gui) version and a FreeBSD console vlc.

When I play an avi file with vlc (to UDP/RTP/HTTP stream), set the soverlay option and view this stream with vlc, everything works. For the windows version, subtitles were added through the gui, for the console version they were added with the console options and a track id. No transcoding was done to achieve this (is the subtitle sent in a PNG stream?).

When I tried to do the same through vlm (same file ofc) when creating a vod, this happened:

I couldn't select a seperate subtitle. Then again, I noticed that vlm auto picked up the correct subtitles if the naming is correct. Secondly, I could also add it as an input and a 'subt' decoder would try to be load. This resulted in the following error messages:
When adding:

Code: Select all

vod_rtsp debug: - ES subt (/test/trackID=2) vod_rtsp error: cannot add this stream (unsupported codec: subt)
So, I figured that rtsp doesn't really support sending subtitles. I tried to outsmart vlc and wrap everything in a Matroska file, but it seems that vlc unwraps it and sends the streams seperately.

Can anyone help me out with this? I have no clue how I could ever include these text subtitles without transcoding. I know it's possible since it works in normal vlc, but I have no idea how I could make it work in vlm. If it's just something which hasn't been implemented yet, I don't mind trying to add it myself.

When playing the Matroska:

Code: Select all

stream_out_rtp error: cannot add this stream (unsupported codec:subt) main error: cannot create packetizer output (subt)
Thanks all,

vod creation script:

Code: Select all

new test vod setup test input "C:\Documents and Settings\goemansb\Desktop\test.avi" setup test input "C:\Documents and Settings\goemansb\Desktop\test.srt" setup test enabled
I can send some (or all) logging, but I haven't included it so I didn't clutter the thread. I can also send my test avi, srt and mkv file if someone is interested.

** EDIT: changed client into 'vlc' since it was also used as server; some reformatting done also

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Re: text subtitles not working?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 07 Apr 2008 19:56

ARe you the one who compiled the VLC?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: text subtitles not working?

Postby malavon » 07 Apr 2008 22:47

I compiled the FreeBSD version from source, the windows version is a binary download at the videolan.org site.

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Re: text subtitles not working?

Postby dionoea » 22 Apr 2008 15:40

The only type of subtitles which VLC currently supports for streaming is dvbsubs. VLC can transcode any subtitles it gets as input to dvbsubs (that hasn't been tested recently that i know of ... but it should work). If you were doing live streaming you could give that a try, but since you're doing VoD I doubt that it would help.
Antoine Cellerier
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Re: text subtitles not working?

Postby malavon » 09 May 2008 10:46

Isn't VOD implemented the same way as streaming? (I have no underlying knowledge about VOD)

I expected that something that could be streamed, could just as easily be streamed on demand.
I'll try to do some tests today or tomorrow because I think there was a way I could get them to stream correctly even through VOD (I think it involved putting them on the command line). I'm not sure though, so I'll let you know more when I've done some tests.

And if it's not possible at the moment, does anyone have an idea how hard it would be to implement? Almost impossible or just some pretty standard feature addition? I'd like to see VOD with subtitles and expect that it shouldn't be too hard, but as I said I don't know much about VOD itself.


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Re: text subtitles not working?

Postby jgg » 20 Nov 2008 11:18

So... can subtitles be streamed with VOD streams configured with VLM?


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Re: text subtitles not working?

Postby Smsandy » 27 Apr 2017 07:02

Anyone can solve this problem? I am facing this embedding subtitle files doesn't work in rtsp streaming vod. thanks

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Re: text subtitles not working?

Postby realjobe » 07 May 2017 10:53

setup test option sub-language=en
setup test option audio-language=en

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