how do i report bugs?

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how do i report bugs?

Postby soul_rebel » 08 Jun 2007 17:46

i already did commit some a while ago, but now i cant find the damn button anywhere on

you have to make something like this simpler!!!

# cd /usa/whitehouse
# rm -rf *


[QUOTE=Bertholt Brecht] What is the robbing of a bank, compared to the funding of a bank?[/QUOTE]

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 08 Jun 2007 18:10

As stated IN CAPS on trac, you have to make your account validated on IRC or here telling your nickname on trac.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
VLC media player developer, VideoLAN President and Sites administrator
If you want an answer to your question, just be specific and precise. Don't use Private Messages.

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 3
Joined: 28 Apr 2006 18:18

Postby soul_rebel » 08 Jun 2007 18:16

ok here i am: trac username is same as here: soul_rebel!


# cd /usa/whitehouse
# rm -rf *


[QUOTE=Bertholt Brecht] What is the robbing of a bank, compared to the funding of a bank?[/QUOTE]

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