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VLC site in Safari
Posted: 03 Sep 2006 04:06
by vlcfiend
The site looks terrible in Safari. Something has gone very, very wrong...
Edit: image removed.
Posted: 03 Sep 2006 14:49
by Asim
lack of cross-browser testing / valid xhtml... thats wat's gone wrong...
Posted: 03 Sep 2006 18:28
by fkuehne
Which Safari release are you using? I can't reproduce your problems with version 2.0.4 (419.3) here (the current release shipped with OSX 10.4.7). Everything looks and behaves fine.
Posted: 03 Sep 2006 18:44
by vlcfiend
I am using the same version as you, 2.0.4 build 419.3. I've cleared my cache, force reloaded, everything I can think of and the problem remains.
Posted: 03 Sep 2006 23:17
by fkuehne
Are you using some settings related to Safari's Debug-menu or any 3rd party extensions. As visible in a small part of your screenshot, our server detected you as running M$ Windows, so there's something severely wrong.
Anyway, as a last try you might also want to Reset Safari.
Posted: 04 Sep 2006 16:30
by The DJ
It's the width of the window that is the problem. Just make your Safari less wide and you'll see the issue.
Posted: 04 Sep 2006 19:43
by dionoea
Didn't we have a min-width thing to prevent these kind of issues ? (min width has been validated on Firefox and IE ... maybe we should test other browsers too)
Posted: 04 Sep 2006 19:54
by Tombigel
CSS property min-width doesn't work on IE 5.x and 6.x
The site still has all the problems I stated
here, including some width problems.
Posted: 05 Sep 2006 11:23
by daPhoenix
Use a browser that doesn't suck?
Opera shows it fine, Firefox shows it fine. Heck, even Konqueror shows it just fine.
Posted: 06 Sep 2006 03:41
by vlcfiend
I'm afraid the solution to the problem is not 'Try another browser'...
Posted: 06 Sep 2006 21:37
by fkuehne
Indeed. Telling the majority of users of an entire platform to use another browser is no solution. It's like telling all windows users to switch to Firefox (which is a good idea anyway, but not the point) to be able to download VLC and get infos about VideoLAN.
Anyway, we are aware of the situation, getting up to 10 messages about it per day and will hopefully fix it soon (although I can't help there since my CSS knowledge is way too little for that).