Separate forum for bug reports?

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Sir Gawain
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Separate forum for bug reports?

Postby Sir Gawain » 16 May 2006 18:10


I'm just wondering wether a separate forum should be created for bug reports.

At the moment bug reports have to fight it out with general questions about VLC on the same forums and appear to get overlooked and lost in the noise. Feature requests manage to get their own forum so why not bug reports?

Yes, I may be a bit biased because I posted a bug report that is currently getting ignored, but I do think this would make alot of sense. My take is that bug reports are much more important than feature requests so if the latter justify a separate forum then the former certainly do. If a bug is never raised in the tracking system simply because a forum posting got overlooked then that, to me, is a problem.

Anyone else have a view on this?

Gavin. :-)

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Postby The DJ » 16 May 2006 21:05

bugreports should be mailed to after being confirmed.
Don't use PMs for support questions.

Sir Gawain
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Postby Sir Gawain » 17 May 2006 00:34

Well one problem with that to my mind is what constitutes being 'confirmed' and wether all bug reports are subjected to that triage.

The problem is that there are so many posts on that forum and few of them are bug reports so it's all too easy for bug reports to be overlooked.

If a bug report post doesn't get a reply on the forum because it never got looked at by a developer, even though the poster knows 100% that it is a bug, it's not possible to say that the problem was 'confirmed' unless you are implying that the poster should be alowed make that judgment for themselves?

The bug reporting web page makes it clear that a developer makes that call, but if a developer never reads the post then a valid bug slips though the net and the person who posted the report is likely to feel slightly miffed about being ignored. :(

Appologies if I come accross as have strong feelings about this... I probably spent too long at a certain well known multinational company with a name that is a TLA, having way too many meetings about processes for handling software defects for my own good :cry:

Gavin :-)


Postby Vayshya » 02 Jun 2006 10:57

I agree that there is need for separate bug report forum. And due to current state of the software there is need for critical bugs partition. The only reason why i don't use VLC is critical bugs, not lack in functionality. I would gladly use VLC instead of other software if i could do so.

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Postby dionoea » 02 Jun 2006 21:23

I agree that there is need for separate bug report forum. And due to current state of the software there is need for critical bugs partition. The only reason why i don't use VLC is critical bugs, not lack in functionality. I would gladly use VLC instead of other software if i could do so.
Most bugs that we were able to reproduce are already listed on . Adding an other forum would just make it more confusing to the users (unless someone volunteers to do the moderation on the bug report forum ... but that kind of forum really needs to be moderated by a dev and we don't have enough time)
Antoine Cellerier
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