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Proposal — Website design

Posted: 14 May 2006 03:41
by j0nzj
Hi, I have a design proposal for our VLC media player page.

Everything made there is only a proposal which can be improved by each one of between you.

Before and after:



Posted: 17 May 2006 08:27
by 3breadt
I like your proposal, it looks definitely more professional than the current design. Looks very good, not so overloaded with images like the current one.

Posted: 19 May 2006 08:20
by Guest
i like it! you should send an email to VLC's project leader and see what happens.

Very web 2.0 ish

Posted: 20 May 2006 00:26
by dionoea
We've already had another proposal and i was planning on changing the website this week end. (you can have a look at the preview here: )

Comments are of course welcome (I'll forward those that seem logical to the author(s) )

Posted: 20 May 2006 13:15
by 3breadt
This Design is also quite good but I don't like the Videolan Logo in the upper left corner it doesn't really fit into the design, but anyway better than the old design :D

Posted: 21 May 2006 03:39
by j0nzj
Thanks for all your comments!... dionoea: it's a nice design but I agree with aLtgLasS the videolan logo doesn't fit. Maybe is a good idea a contest.

Other detail, it would be better to change the diskette icon by the vlc logo/icon, anyway good work.

Posted: 21 May 2006 09:55
by Asim
as a web designer... i can say that j0nzj's design is one of the best i've seen so far. (i too was working on a design but thats nowhere near started)...

anyways... my personal opinion... as a designer...

i'd give j0nzj's design 10/10 provided that its already coded in (x)html w/o any errors.

the other design is nice... but... lacking...

- Asim

Posted: 24 May 2006 18:23
by The DJ
I think the topbar of j0nzj's design has a little bit too less contrast.

Posted: 25 May 2006 16:45
by dionoea

I've announced the begining of the website redesign contest on . Let the fun begin :)

Posted: 25 May 2006 22:30
by afterglow

I've announced the begining of the website redesign contest on . Let the fun begin :)
While every designer should be entirely free to enter designs, it's part of a growing trend where sites are farming out work on a speculative basis to designers. It may be a good design excercise and process for those who take part but there is a body of opinion who see this type of speculative work as harmful to the profession in general. Plumbers don't provide their services for free and the benefit to the winning design should be equal to the amount of effort put into it.

There is a site that cover some of the reasons why these redesign contests don't show much respect to the profession. I'm sure some will disagree with this viewpoint as they are entitled to...

Posted: 26 May 2006 22:36
by dionoea
While every designer should be entirely free to enter designs, it's part of a growing trend where sites are farming out work on a speculative basis to designers. It may be a good design excercise and process for those who take part but there is a body of opinion who see this type of speculative work as harmful to the profession in general. Plumbers don't provide their services for free and the benefit to the winning design should be equal to the amount of effort put into it.

There is a site that cover some of the reasons why these redesign contests don't show much respect to the profession. I'm sure some will disagree with this viewpoint as they are entitled to...
This design was only created because several people volunteered new designs for the website. We're not planning on stealing great innovative ideas from designers. They're free to volunteer. Btw, we don't have any good designers on the team, and since we work on VideoLAN durring our free time, we don't have any money to pay for a designer.


Posted: 29 May 2006 09:42
by VlcDax
Here's my proposal:

for Videolan:


for VLC:


for the site:






Posted: 29 May 2006 12:34
by Asim
i hope this is going on atleast until middle of june... so that i can release all my finished work around then... (got exams to worry bout now)...

Posted: 30 May 2006 13:53
by .:120:.
How!!! very very good VlcDax !!!!!!!!

Posted: 30 May 2006 18:09
by Neurotic
Hi, i'm one Neurotic designers.

We have made some changes to the html code (tables out) and now it has a liquid layout. We made very simple and trying to do the minimum changes in the code.

as a web designer... i can say that j0nzj's design is one of the best i've seen so far. (i too was working on a design but thats nowhere near started)...

anyways... my personal opinion... as a designer...

i'd give j0nzj's design 10/10 provided that its already coded in (x)html w/o any errors.

the other design is nice... but... lacking...

- Asim
Sorry but i don't understand you when you say that "nice...but...lacking"? (to improve it)

What do you change to improve it?

nice suggestions so far

Posted: 02 Jun 2006 11:13
by hibatsu
I definitely liked the first one best. It really looks great!
The second one doesn't really appeal me, especially the (sorry, but its true) ugly logo in the top left.

The third one is nice, but the logo looks a bit too flashy if you ask me. And the orange navigation gives me the rest...

Just my 2 cents

Posted: 02 Jun 2006 13:24
by Neurotic
The logo we used is the videolan logo. We made another one (only a reinterpretation, not a new one) but Antoine said he prefered videolan official logo.

Posted: 03 Jun 2006 02:10
by Gio
I vote for VlcDax design !

Posted: 09 Jul 2006 22:08
by LifesaverM
Personally the j0nzj Design is my favorite.
Simple not flashy, functional, and elegant.
Major cudos to the designer.

My 2nd favorite is the Neurotic (2nd design)
Very nice looking, and presentable.

Posted: 12 Jul 2006 20:16
by Guest
I vote for VlcDax too its v cool :D