Relevance of the Wiki

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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 18 Jan 2025 16:24

Relevance of the Wiki

Postby BobD » 18 Jan 2025 20:32

I've had good experiences with Wiki's, albeit with relatively small teams. Working on a rapidly changing body of code there's usually a lot of "tribal knowledge" useful to collect. Since I'm researching a couple of things my instinct is to share what I learn, so I tried to get an account on - where it says "To modify the contents of this wiki, you need to create an account, which is very fast."

I found "wiki google login" - which says "wiki is disabled." I see the main page was lasted updated 21 November 2019. - I get it -

May I (humbly but strongly) suggest that the main page be updated with 2 statements:
- That maintenance has been abandoned so the content on this Wiki should be treated as "suspect" in bold at the top.
- That the "Edit the Wiki!" section be removed, or replaced with a repeat of the previous suggestion.

Although it may also be dated, I noticed a request for coders. I've been retired for a while but could probably code/maintain c (but not so much c++) in a pinch. At this point contributing to a Wiki is probably a better fit for me. (Besides coding, I've done Q/A, support, and a little tech writing.)

Thanks for a great app!

. . . . These days I'm mostly writing Python for Raspberry Pi as a hobby. :wink:

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