Fix view numbers on VideoLAN Forums topics

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Fix view numbers on VideoLAN Forums topics

Postby mayconhvab » 06 Sep 2022 20:43

I noticed that when I click F5 or refresh the page on the site, the number of views of a topic is displayed twice.
That is, if I enter a topic I created and click F5 or press ENTER on the keyboard inside the forum, the view increases twice, or once.
Fix this as we don't know if the person clicked multiple times or once, check a view for each server IP or PC/Notebook/Tablet/Smartphone on OSs.
Because this can harm if it was many or just one person.

The problem is that every F5 on the keyboard is a view within the topic, press F5 or ENTER on the forum link (keep a view) for each computer or access location.
If I have a pc, it stays on that pc, only one view, on the smartphone, only one view, and denying the view number if I enter there more than once.

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