Unable to choose a different download mirror

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Unable to choose a different download mirror

Postby linkinstreet » 22 Sep 2021 08:07

Hi. I am sorry if this is not the correct section.

In any case, I am living in South East Asia. And due to how VLC uses mirror for downloading, I was automatically assigned the Khon Kaen University server (Thailand). But this never worked. The download will just stop midway. And there is no way for me to change the mirror in the VLC website. After some searching, I discovered that VLC has a page that listed all of it's mirrors, and manually googling up the Singapore mirror lead me to it's download link, and that one downloaded in just seconds.


Please VLC, let us users pick and choose our own mirror. Doing it automatically means a lot of people that does not have the googling skills or have no idea what mirrors are would just end up with broken downloads and can't use VLC

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