VLC Goodie

Discussion about forum rules, new moderators, website content, website layout, VideoLAN artwork etc..
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New Cone
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Joined: 24 Sep 2019 16:58

VLC Goodie

Postby louis1 » 24 Sep 2019 17:04

Hi VideoLAN team,

I spent around 3 hours creating this (see image below) as I'm feeling a bit festive already ;) There are even marshmallows!

It is a transparent png. SVG also provided: https://trac.videolan.org/vlc/attachment/ticket/19326/VLC_design-latest.svg


If you could please add it to the goodies section as I would be very happy to share it.

My name is: Louis Andersen

My website is: https://louisandersen.github.io

I hope you all like it and keep up your great work!

If VLC needs any custom graphics I would be happy to help out.

Louis Andersen.

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