Question about Wiki (sorry)

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Question about Wiki (sorry)

Postby JBdupris » 15 Aug 2019 20:38

Hello everyone,

Sorry for the post but I wanted to update the batch script on the Wiki for converting files ( and attempted to make a user account as suggested on the wiki,
"This website is a Wiki, so please edit it! Please keep content appropriate and useful.
To modify the contents of this wiki, you need to create an account, which is very fast."

I then searched the forums and saw that people were suggesting that the wiki registration was locked as VLC was moving to a Git online repo.

Then I got tired as this is my first time trying to help update something so registered a Forum account and posted here (hope it's the right place).


Proposed WIKI change to:

Under the section: "Unix / Linux", first code block (the bash script) in the for loop when it calls VLC the VLC --sout flag is not evaluated with single quotes (perhaps because I am on a Mac (10.14.6) using VLC version so I updated the bash script to evaluate it and then the script worked. I believe this change does not break anything and should work across bash versions. Specifically, changing the following change resolved the issue for me,

Code: Select all

"$vlc" -I dummy -q "$filename" \ --sout '#transcode{vcodec="$vcodec",vb="$vb",acodec="$acodec",ab="$ab"}:standard{mux="$mux",dst="$filename.transcoded",access=file}' \ vlc://quit


Code: Select all

soutvar="#transcode{vcodec="$vcodec",vb="$vb",acodec="$acodec",ab="$ab"}:standard{mux="$mux",dst="$filename.transcoded",access=file}" "$vlc" -I dummy -q "$filename" \ --sout "$soutvar" \ vlc://quit

The code block (bash script) then becomes:

Code: Select all

#!/bin/sh ######################## Transcode the files using ... ######################## vcodec="mp4v" acodec="mp4a" vb="1024" ab="128" mux="mp4" ############################################################################### # Store path to VLC in $vlc if command -pv vlc >/dev/null 2>&1; then # Linux should find "vlc" when searching PATH vlc="vlc" else # macOS seems to need an alias vlc="/Applications/" fi # Sanity check if ! command -pv "$vlc" >/dev/null 2>&1; then printf '%s\n' "Cannot find path to VLC. Abort." >&2 exit 1 fi for filename in *; do printf '%s\n' "=> Transcoding '$filename'... " soutvar="#transcode{vcodec="$vcodec",vb="$vb",acodec="$acodec",ab="$ab"}:standard{mux="$mux",dst="$filename.transcoded",access=file}" "$vlc" -I dummy -q "$filename" \ --sout "$soutvar" \ vlc://quit ls -lh "$filename" "$filename.transcoded" printf '\n' done

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