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Registration spambot question with wrong answer

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 11:28
by GTHvidsten
I got this question when first trying to register on the forums:
Three Apple, Two Shoes, Three Bananas. How many total computers ?

I tried to answer "0" (the number zero), but that was apparently wrong. I don't know what the answer should have been in this case.

Fortunately I managed to register after the next question... obviously :)

Re: Registration spambot question with wrong answer

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 11:43
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
no idea. We don't make those.

Re: Registration spambot question with wrong answer

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 14:55
by Wilon
In fact, you were not careful. Take a closer look at the screenshot during my registration. You were asked about an apple not as a fruit but as a brand. That is, you had 3 Apple II. Three computers :)Image

On this and the test for an anti-ship, a person in the ideal case should guess.

Re: Registration spambot question with wrong answer

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 14:58
by Wilon
However, this is a great success that decided to look at the forum topics before registering ...

Re: Registration spambot question with wrong answer

Posted: 26 Dec 2018 20:13
by Nostromov
no idea. We don't make those.

Sure! Except, it seems to be always the same question...

That is, you had 3 Apple II.

Uh-huh! So, I tried entering "3" and "three" and, always getting:

Code: Select all

No soup for you! It looks like you have been flagged as a spammer.