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Python requirement should be added to AndroidCompile document

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 23:59
by scastell
I installed the latest ISO of Ubuntu in a virtual machine specifically to compile libVLC for Android:


Following the AndroidCompile wiki document, there is no mention of Python being a system requirement:

However when attempting to run "sh" the follow error appears:
NDK changed, making new toolchain "" failed

As it turns out, NDK requires Python in order to make new toolchains. Once I installed that package, the procedure continued.

On the wiki page is an example installation command for build requirements on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install automake ant autopoint cmake build-essential libtool \
patch pkg-config protobuf-compiler ragel subversion unzip git \
openjdk-8-jre openjdk-8-jdk flex

This should be amended to include "python" as well (Python 2.7 seems to work fine).