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(!) Videolan StackExchange Site: Vote For It Now

Posted: 06 Oct 2016 18:44
by nonzyro
For those who don't know, Stack Exchange is a dedicated Q&A site that started for programmers and now covers more than 150 topics from coding to English grammar.
Having a Videolan StackExchange site means straight up questions and answers, no fluff. Most questions get answered within a few hours of posting because of its a high volume of traffic (their sites usually rank #1 to #5 in Google and DuckDuckGo searches). Furthermore, unlike these forums, there won't be trouble logging in or registering - they also support OpenID!

Vote Here For The Proposal Now!!!

*. Finally solves the problems of users who cannot login or register here.
*. As the community grows, so answers will be provided quicker.
*. Advanced search tools, no fluff, well archived threads.
*. This will take a huge strain off the VLC team because lots knowledgeable people from the Stack Exchange userbase will be able to help with your problems.
*. Builds a stronger, more fluff-free knowledge base (once a site has been up about a year, you usually don't have to ask a question as a simple search will find the answer).
*. Allows this forum to focus on the community! No worrying about time-wasters who register to ask an already answered question and never post back or even say, "Thank you."
*. Let's face it, these forums are not the best place for quick answers because everyone has a life. It seems to me that these forums are more a community, not a Q&A kind of place (that's a good thing in itself).
*. May help reduce number of help boards on this forum and make it easier for the Videolan team to maintain, which would result in a better forum experience for everyone.

Here's the link (again, for transparency): ... VdmPfsB7g2

What are you waiting for, let's make this happen! Let's help forge a better future for users, power users, forum admins, and developers (especially developers because without them, we'd be lost).