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Get Vlc button

Posted: 13 Aug 2005 01:15
by Lord
Hello I've created a button to promote Vlc all over the world :)
it's here
Bonjour j'ai créer un bouton pour promouvoir Vlc partout dans le monde :)
il est là
If you want to use it ...

Posted: 14 Aug 2005 16:20
by jix
I have added it on the website. Thanks

Posted: 14 Aug 2005 23:14
by Lord
fr: de rien
en: .... Ho! my poor english can't translate it... sorry.

Posted: 15 Aug 2005 21:57
by Lord
In the goodies page, could you write Gen instead of Lord, because it's not me the maker of this button. It's a friend...
Dans la page des goodies pourriez vous mettre Gen a la place de Lord, parceque je ne suis pas le créateur du boutton. C'est un ami...
Thank you

Posted: 15 Aug 2005 22:38
by fkuehne
It's fixed now. Thanks for the banner. The website should update shortly.

Posted: 16 Aug 2005 18:54
by Lord
thanks a lot.
Are you interested by other pictures ?? wallpaper, buttons,... ??
Merci beaucoup
Etes vous intéressé par d'autre images?? fond d'écran, boutons,... ??

Posted: 16 Aug 2005 21:04
by fkuehne
We are always glad to add new stuff to our goodies-page. So, feel free to create further buttons or wallpapers :)

BTW. You might know that you can use a skins-mode in the Windows and Linux versions of VLC. Creating a new skin isn't hard (you don't need any programming skills for that) and we are glad to add them to the specific download page as well. Just in case you're interested.

Posted: 21 Aug 2005 14:16
by Lord
sorry I don't understand BTW ...
Okay I'll try to make a skin but I 'm not sure i am able.
I'll try :)