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Avatars ...
Posted: 22 Jul 2005 16:26
by dionoea
Is someone having fun with avatars ? (or ranks ...)
Posted: 22 Jul 2005 16:30
by The DJ
That would be me.
Now to find small avatar images to go with the ranks
Posted: 22 Jul 2005 17:28
by dionoea
i guess we have two solutions :
1/ the boring solution : instead of having 5 stars (like in "normal" ranking systems) you would have 5 cones
2/ the fun solution : find someone with good graphic skills and ask him to make funy cones (and redisign the VLC UI ...)
Posted: 23 Jul 2005 15:24
by dionoea
i've added some rank images
1st rank :
2nd rank :
3rd rank :
4th rank :
site admin rank :
Feel free to change those.
Concerning the moderator forum and moderator membership :
* shouldn't the moderator group be open so people can ask to be moderators ?
* should the VideoLAN group also be able to see the moderator forum ? be part of the moderator group ? ...
Posted: 23 Jul 2005 16:55
by fkuehne
Concerning the moderator forum and moderator membership :
* shouldn't the moderator group be open so people can ask to be moderators ?
* should the VideoLAN group also be able to see the moderator forum ? be part of the moderator group ? ...
I say "yes" to both questions. Sounds good.
BTW. How about allowing only registered users to start and answer topics? This would prevent spam and unqualified topics, thus make the work for the moderators easier. Additionally, the users get the benefits of a registration (e.g. a mail when her/is is answered, etc.).
Posted: 23 Jul 2005 17:12
by dionoea
i personnaly don't like to register in a forum if i only intend to post once...
Posted: 24 Jul 2005 21:13
by The DJ
Nice images dionoea !
I think rather that most people won't become moderator by asking trough the group. I rather the see the "Forum and Website" forum as the place to ask this.
Posted: 25 Jul 2005 07:54
by zcot
-just remember before you see this.. -it's not nice to make fun of people(like me). I made this custom, especially for the highest honored figure:
Cone Admin Avatar
Ok, I'm sorry.
Posted: 25 Jul 2005 08:05
by dionoea
Posted: 25 Jul 2005 14:21
by The DJ
Posted: 02 Aug 2005 17:18
by Guest
i've added some rank images
1st rank :
2nd rank :
3rd rank :
4th rank :
site admin rank :
Just in case you like them: