Unable to get to videolan.org

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Unable to get to videolan.org

Postby ianrl337 » 30 Jul 2019 18:43

I work for an ISP. We are unable to get to videolan.org from one of our subnets. It appears it is being blocked by videolan upstream router. I can get to it from other subnets, but as one of our DNS servers is on that subnet it is causing larger issues. Subnet is Can this be checked if it was blacklisted and for what reason? We try to keep all our customers in line and take serious action against any spam or malicious use. If something slipped by we didn't receive a notification regarding it.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Unable to get to videolan.org

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 19 Jun 2020 17:40

This was fixed.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
http://www.jbkempf.com/ - http://www.jbkempf.com/blog/category/Videolan
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