(!) Videolan StackExchange Site: Vote For It Now

Discussion about forum rules, new moderators, website content, website layout, VideoLAN artwork etc..
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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 23
Joined: 27 Sep 2016 13:34
VLC version: 2.2.4
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(!) Videolan StackExchange Site: Vote For It Now

Postby nonzyro » 06 Oct 2016 18:44

For those who don't know, Stack Exchange is a dedicated Q&A site that started for programmers and now covers more than 150 topics from coding to English grammar.
Having a Videolan StackExchange site means straight up questions and answers, no fluff. Most questions get answered within a few hours of posting because of its a high volume of traffic (their sites usually rank #1 to #5 in Google and DuckDuckGo searches). Furthermore, unlike these forums, there won't be trouble logging in or registering - they also support OpenID!

Vote Here For The Proposal Now!!!

*. Finally solves the problems of users who cannot login or register here.
*. As the community grows, so answers will be provided quicker.
*. Advanced search tools, no fluff, well archived threads.
*. This will take a huge strain off the VLC team because lots knowledgeable people from the Stack Exchange userbase will be able to help with your problems.
*. Builds a stronger, more fluff-free knowledge base (once a site has been up about a year, you usually don't have to ask a question as a simple search will find the answer).
*. Allows this forum to focus on the community! No worrying about time-wasters who register to ask an already answered question and never post back or even say, "Thank you."
*. Let's face it, these forums are not the best place for quick answers because everyone has a life. It seems to me that these forums are more a community, not a Q&A kind of place (that's a good thing in itself).
*. May help reduce number of help boards on this forum and make it easier for the Videolan team to maintain, which would result in a better forum experience for everyone.

Here's the link (again, for transparency):
https://area51.stackexchange.com/propos ... VdmPfsB7g2

What are you waiting for, let's make this happen! Let's help forge a better future for users, power users, forum admins, and developers (especially developers because without them, we'd be lost).
64bit: Debian 8 / VLC 2.2.4 / 4GB RAM / i5 430M / 512MB VRAM / Radeon HD5470

One time Randy's mom grew her nails really long and then she got an iPhone, but she couldn't use it so she had to have her nails cut but they had to use a chainsaw and they accidentally cut off her fingers and they sowed them back on backwards by accident and now her hands look weird and that's my 400 character limit

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