new structure for beginners

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new structure for beginners

Postby spotting » 05 Sep 2005 23:24

well first i want to say hello and a big thx for a really great media player.

But this forum is not a good one.

People like me, who are having a prolbem and trying to search the forum have no real chance to solve it, in a few seccons.

this is why i want to start a discussion about a few changes in the structure of this forum.

1. build a few categories for special problem - categories.
for example problem with sound or video or with both
this should be a sort, the develeopers have to choose, that every one, who is working in vlc has his own part.

2. make a change between solved problems and unsolved problems.
for example by using a prefix.

3. summarize problems which you are asked, structure these faq, too.

well, maybe think about it.

mfg spotting

(PS sry for the bad english, but u also need a few parts for people like me ;) )

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 06 Sep 2005 16:38

Ah i see with have a volunteer for forum maintenance !!!
Don't use PMs for support questions.


Postby spotting » 15 Sep 2005 21:01

thank you for this advice but atm i won't have enough time to do sth like this.

but maybe you can help me with my problem ...

no sound but good video playing wmv files

mfg spotting


Postby NZL » 16 Oct 2005 09:08

thank you for this advice but atm i won't have enough time to do sth like this.
lol, go figure.

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