Can't login/post/register (/ucp.php) from this ip

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New Cone
New Cone
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Can't login/post/register (/ucp.php) from this ip

Postby hahahafr » 25 Oct 2011 22:32

I can't access /ucp.php (login/post/register, etc...) from ( I got an 403/404 error, the same as this topic.
Whereas on the same machine, same browser, I can perfectly access /ucp.php from

Is my ip blacklisted? Why? Could you please unblock it?

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 7
Joined: 25 Oct 2011 22:11

Re: Can't login/post/register (/ucp.php) from this ip

Postby hahahafr » 27 Oct 2011 20:12

Seriously. Wtf is this block policy?

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: Can't login/post/register (/ucp.php) from this ip

Postby xerces8 » 30 Oct 2011 03:26

Welcome to the club : viewtopic.php?f=10&t=94126

PS: Did you ever run tor (The Onion Router) on that PC? Some sites tend to block known exit nodes.

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