Annoyed with the website - install issue

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Annoyed with the website - install issue

Postby jwriter » 04 May 2009 07:26

I realize a lot of volunteer effort goes into VLC, but sheesh guys, can we help people install the player? Please be aware that the word "install" does not appear anywhere on the following pages...

Please give new users a fighting chance. If you want them to open the download package for instructions, then at least tell them about the readme page. Also, in the documentation somewhere please address the issue of *upgrading* the VLC player. Tell the user whether it is necessary to uninstall the old version or delete the preferences, etc. Nowhere in the documentation does it say whether this is handled automatically or not. Thank you.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Annoyed with the website - install issue

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 04 May 2009 09:33

The wiki is a wiki, please welcome for your work.
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