Discontinuity of PID-32

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New Cone
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Joined: 01 Dec 2007 01:20

Discontinuity of PID-32

Postby brittbrown » 01 Dec 2007 03:19

I really need some help here. I am using a global broadcast service which is a 24MB downlink only. I receive a video feed through my dish and I am piping it out to users all throughout a building from my server. My server is sending the feed out multicast. So I have my server sending the feed to a router, and then a taclane (encryption device), then it goes to the user areas. Once it gets to their area it goes through a taclane, to a router, and then out to the users. The reason we need routers in each user area is because Taclane's don't support multicast, they are primarily unicast based devices, so we needed routers to encapsulate and decapsulate the packets on each end of the Taclane's so that the Taclane's would be happy.

The problem is I keep getting this message over and over again on the user end in VLC, and if I get it too many times in a row, or it shows up repeatedly at a rapid rate I lose my feed, and it tells me that it ran out of memory. Also the picture is very pixelated in random spots on the screen.

TS warning: discontinuity received (i.e. 0x5) instead of (i.e. 0x7) (pid=32)Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you


Britt Brown

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