Wiki is Broken

Discussion about forum rules, new moderators, website content, website layout, VideoLAN artwork etc..
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New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 7
Joined: 09 Jun 2007 15:33

Wiki is Broken

Postby Tene » 10 Jun 2007 22:34

Accessing any page on the wiki serves up a database error. This makes it difficult to get at the code, the docs, and most things of interest to a potential developer.

Here is the error:

Database error
A database query syntax error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was:

(SQL query hidden)

from within function "MediaWikiBagOStuff::_doquery". MySQL returned error "145: Table './VideoLANwikidb/objectcache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (localhost)".

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