I Need Professional Help (not how it sounds) URLs, IMGs, Ect

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Big Cone-huna
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I Need Professional Help (not how it sounds) URLs, IMGs, Ect

Postby CloudStalker » 25 Apr 2007 23:56

:P What I meant is I need help from a professional. No? :? Anywho, I'm not quite Internet savvy so I'm going to need a little help.

I now know how to post images but the thing I want to know how I can make it where the user can click on the image itself to enlarge. I what it to be visible on a forum but I also want it so that it can be enlarged by clicking on it. Help please.

I also want to know if there is a way to center the image (example: 640x480) to the screen no matter what the resolution of the desktop. :?: Thanks.

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
Posts: 2581
Joined: 14 Jan 2007 19:00
VLC version: OVER 9000!!!
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Location: Heaven? No no. What's that other place that starts with an "H"? Oh yes: Home. ^_^

Postby CloudStalker » 26 Apr 2007 17:55

It doesn't matter now, I found out how to do this, except for the auto center thing, so thanks? Here's what I'm currently working on:
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