Recently i Removed the most part of files of the DirectX 9 from my Operation System (Windows 98 without Internet Explorer). I only let the following: ddhelp.exe, Ddraw.dll, Ddraw16.dll, Dsound.dll, Dxapi.sys, ddraw.vxd. To make all programs working correctlty. The sound and video quality remained perfect.
I don't have installed in my Operation System any version of Windows Media Player, so to run files like WMV and ASF, I installed a program called VideoLan 0.8.1. This Program was able to open WMV and ASf Files, but with delay. So I installed Directx again and the files opened correctly without delay. But i don't want to have Directx Installed in my PC, so i would like to know what file or files it´s necessary to run WMV and ASF without all files of DirectX and without Windows Media Player.