Problem in VLC installation on RH9

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Arvind Mohan

Problem in VLC installation on RH9

Postby Arvind Mohan » 21 Feb 2005 08:10

I have downloaded VLC-0.8.1-1.i386.rpm from and tried on RH9. I have downloaded all other lib required for installation. After installation through rpm -U .rpm --nodeps --> it gives few warnings but no error. After that I am not abble to launch VLC player. I have got vlc player listed in program list but it is not starting after clicking on the icon

Please help me .. anyone ......


Postby Guest » 25 Feb 2005 02:19

If you aren't currently using it, maybe you could give the Dag RPM repository a try. First install yum from here, if you aren't currently using it: <I></I>

Next add the following to the bottom of your /etc/yum.conf file:
name=Dag RPM Repository for older Red Hat Linux baseurl=$releasever/en/$basearch/dag</I>

Then run:
<I>yum -y update</I>

And finally:
<I>yum -y install videolan-client</I>

Hopefully that'll get you going.


Postby Guest » 25 Feb 2005 02:20

Oops, I take it html isn't enabled, so ignore the italics tags above. :D


Postby Guest » 25 Feb 2005 02:22

Wow, I'm having some problems today, the repository section inside of yum.conf should look like this:

name=Dag RPM Repository for older Red Hat Linux


Postby Guest0321 » 21 Mar 2005 11:16

I am having the exactly same problem with the Guest #1 above. I followed the suggestion made by Guest #2 but I still have the same problem.

When I did ALT-CTRL-F1 after selecting VLC in the menu, I saw the following error messages.

[00000223] xosd interface error: couldn't initialize libxosd
[00000223] main interface error: no suitable intf modeule
[00000001] main vlc error: interface "(null)" initialization failed

In addition to videolan-client-0.8.1-2.0.rh9.rf.i386.rpm, I downloaded the following files from and it seems Yum also did the same thing.


I may be using a wrong xosd file or missing something else.

If anyone can help, I would appreciate it very uch.

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